
Tell me its a fever dream



3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipDouble Master1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3
10-04-2021, 03:11 AM

It was almost comical how his small mother took him in her arms and held him, having already put out the candles and extinguished the smoking herb. While he expected her actions to quite literally stop the effects, they lingered even as the smoke faded away and Deus shut his eyes against the hallucinations and tried to do as he was bid and focus upon her floating, vibrant voice. Riva was never one to lie to him nor was she a stupid wolf, and so if she insisted speaking of it may help Deus wanted to follow her direction.

He hesitated a moment, contemplating how much left out detail may be considered a lie and in the end simply sighed into her small chest and spoke. "A nightingale, glowing with the same light as your plants. It's song was.. searching, not exactly sad or hurt, but I can't ignore the fear it brought to me." Deus looked up from her charcoal fur, opening his eyes to search hers and trying to ignore how bright and blueish she was in the moonlight. "I don't want you to try the herbs on yourself, mother." He implored her, wide eyed and afraid. "I fear Abraxas was showing me something terrible, and in the end you flew away and I don't want you to ever go away." Deus closed his eyes once more and curled his large frame against hers for support, awaiting her response that would likely be some reasonable explanation on how his fear for her took hold of his mind and influenced his hallucinations. Her assurance that it wasn't real, and it wasn't his God. Perhaps he should approach his father and warn the man on what was to become of his mate.

