
Ghosts of yesterday



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
10-04-2021, 07:40 AM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2021, 07:40 AM by Ásvor. Edited 1 time in total.)
Slowly, painstakingly slowly, her eyes began to adjust to the darkness. His answer, brutally honest, earned a low chuckle from her. Truthfully she didn't know much about cave mushrooms in particular but mushrooms definitely interested her. Though she was half-tempted to go back and forth with him for a bit longer she decided to go out on a limb an answer him a more more honestly - as fun as it might be to give him the run around. She couldn't quite tell yet how naive he was. "Gotta be careful with mushrooms. Eat the wrong one and it'll kill you," she answered plainly. Death was always spoken of honestly when it came to her. She didn't personally care if he died but she figured he might have something against it, and spending a few moments teaching was always enjoyable to her, no matter her student.

"Ásvor Finnvi," she introduced herself in turn. A few more steps toward him made him just slightly more discernible in the darkness; his coat was dark and mottled, difficult to see in the dim light but his features were present, though vague. "You're no bother. Not like I'll find any better company in here," Ásvor admitted with another laugh. She was swore she'd heard some kind of rodent scuttle by her earlier - a wolf was definitely better company, at least most of the time. "You find a mushroom or something then? Mind if I see it?" Not that she could see much of it in this cavern, but she could try. "There's a few good ways to tell if it's probably safe to eat. Can't be certain, but..." She trailed off. "If the gills under the cap are brown it's probably fine. If they're white, stay away. If any of the mushroom is red at all, those will probably kill you too." Okay, maybe not all of them. Plenty would just make you sick. But she liked the dramatic effect and wondered if he'd react to her little guide at all.