
hazy thoughts.

Lyric I


4 Years
08-09-2013, 07:31 PM
Now that she was standing in front of her, the scent of blood was there, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. She wasn't quite sure how she could help the other - but from the sound of things, she was not suffering from bloodloss, so sleep might do her a smidgen of good so long as she slept in a way that wouldn't put pressure on whatever was broken. Hearing the russet female comment on her pain made the young female want to help even more - it was rare that someone was completely honest with how they felt. It seemed more common for lupine to pretend to be okay even when they weren't feeling their best.

"Would you mind if I took a look? My mother is a healer, I might be able to help." If she couldn't, then she would have to find a way to get Erani or another one of Valhalla's healers here. With that in mind she would edge closer, trying to get a good look at one of the spots that were matted on the female's nearly matching coat. "My name is Lyric, I'm from Valhalla." She would introduce herself, gently smiling for a moment at the other. She was a strong one, to stay sitting up and speaking clearly when she was tired and in pain. May others would let it affect their mood, and it wouldn't be an improvement!

"What is your name miss?" She was trying to keep her a little bit distracted from her pain - sometimes it helped to be engaged in something else. Her tail gently swayed behind her, and she reached forward to sniff at a particular spot, giving it a lick to make sure that it wasn't too deep an injury and it wasn't infected. When it wasn't she would give a sigh of releif, before stopping to think. There had to be something around this southern area that could help with pain. Looking around them, she perked slightly - it was just Maren's luck! "Willow! That should help with your pain. Just a moment miss." She would wander to the nearest tree and tear at the bark with her teeth and claws.

She would come back a few minutes later with shavings and scraps of the closest willow tree. "Here, you chew this, and it should dull some of the pain."