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"I Will Make You Proud"


Master Fighter (245)

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3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Double MasterSnake Eyes
Mammoth HunterCritical Fail!Pride - Lesbian1K
10-04-2021, 07:31 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2021, 04:47 PM by Avantika. Edited 24 times in total.)
OOC Name: Dikui

Character Name: Appall (more names can be picked if necessary, of course)
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Evil
bri 3 or purchased 1 (preferred)
Appearance: 31", medium build, medium size (written for purchased 1)

Appall will always be a relatively average-looking sort of wolf--although you shouldn't tell her that, of course. Besides the serrated teeth she inherited from her father, her appearance is entirely expectable. She isn't very small or very large, although she is shorter than both of her parents, and her body is the exemplification of physical balance. There are more agile wolves and there are more powerful wolves, but the Klein girl will consider her body good enough as it is.

Her pelt is similarly plain; from a distance especially, she could easily be perceived as simply a grayish tan wolf. But as one approaches, more detail will make itself known. Spots and dashes of slightly darker color, a blurring underside of white, various shades and tints of different colors—a subtle symphony. It's rather complicated if you pay attention.

They say eyes are the window to the soul, but that is absolutely not true for Appall. Light blue is often associated with peace, like the blue sky on a summer day, and yet this dark-hearted girl has eyes of this color. They are distinctly not comparable to a blue sky, but perhaps they are closer to a bolt of lightning—violence, not peace.

Personality: social, manipulative, nurturing, charming, competitive, ambitious, possessive, insecure

As a child, Appall is a social butterfly, loving to meet new people and talk the ear off anyone who will listen--and many who would rather not. She has an adventurous streak that might get her into trouble sometimes and will always push the limits of what she's allowed to do, as well as those of her own fear. Appall was born to conquer, subconsciously or not. Usually not. She'll always hate being talked over or treated like she's insignificant, especially when she is young; these slights provoke intense anger that she can't contain. She is always focused on winning. From the beginning, she likes to come up with little competitions with her siblings, other wolves, and herself, some to share with her opponents, some simply to compete in her own mind. How much of this is innocent fun and how much is deadly serious varies not just from competition to competition or day to day, but from second to second.

As she grows older, her social skills will develop, becoming very manipulative and charming. Part of this is the strong maternal instinct she'll have all her life. She likes to teach others and feels the most affection towards people she can lead. She'll always make sure to protect her family and pack as much as possible, especially her siblings. Part of this is genuine, but another far more significant reason is the desire to have others in her debt and to show how much stronger and better than them she is. She'll help someone and then scoff at them for needing help while continuing to make sure that she can keep helping so she can keep feeling superior.

Appall will always seek more: more knowledge, more alliances, but mainly more power. She covets the pride of those around her, especially her mother, who she loves and respects dearly. She'll be sure never to forget that as one of Recluse's children, she is in the running to be heir to Habari, and she'll be unlikely to keep this ambition a secret.

As for her relationships with close friends and family, Appall will seem to suddenly become an almost completely different person. A new member of her inner circle will find a very protective, very possessive wolf, bombarding them with secrets and insecurities out of the blue, since she can't let herself open up to anyone else. She'll start asking tons of questions too, looking for advice, and start to shape her life and opinions around those of the people who are important to her. Basically using them for free therapy. To make things worse, Appall will take any seeming rejection from her inner circle very harshly. If she feels like someone doesn't value her as much as she values them, she'll shut down and turn on a dime. These poor wolves will see the worst side of Appall yet. Her conflicted feelings will manifest in the cold-shoulder or even outright rage and hatred, and she'll stop opening up or listening to any advice, but she'll be even more controlling and possessive than ever before. They betrayed her. She will make them pay.

Skills: Fighting + Hunting
Plans: Longterm I would love to make her an alpha someday; short-term will depend on her siblings

RP Sample: I think we have
Avantika is prone to panic attacks. Keep in mind when roleplaying with her.
Her companions, a female sharp-shinned hawk named Kaata and a black-thighed falconet named Kit can be assumed to always be close by unless otherwise stated.