
I know who I want to take me home


08-17-2013, 05:46 PM

Pupils returned to the emaciated form of Devya, a hint of amusement laden on her porcelain features as the brat?s verdant eyes flooded with fear at the possibility of being slaughtered and feasted upon, but such portrayal of her alarm subsided as the viper?s sire reassured them he would not proceed with the practice. Mismatched eyes flickered back to greet the reptilian of her father?s with evident disappointment, the sneer that had previously claimed her countenance now warped into a slight scowl that only deepened as the male offered to provide for the sable babe. Jaws unhinged with the promise of opinionated protest, but they abruptly swung shut as her sibling?s teeth penetrated the loose fur upon her backside. Her front twisted at a ninety degree angle and her neck craned grotesquely so that she may deliver a playful snap in the direction of the gangly tyke?s muzzle, snickers flooding the silent atmosphere as the wench shut out the company of her father and the stranger just briefly to focus upon the jocose antics of her sibling.

Rump abandoned its perch as the viper heaved her mass back upon all fours, pivoting towards her sibling and slithering to his right side while their father continued to offer the stranger his support and care. Once she was adjacent to her brother, she offered him a disdainful glance, indicating that she was none too pleased with the fact that their father was so willing to aid the lanky brat rather than to dispose of her quickly before their mother did. ?She seems so weak ? she doesn?t deserve our help,? the wench commented, vocals only meant to reach her sibling?s ears while her attention returned to the tyke she spoke of, predictions of the downfall of Tortuga surfacing as she imagined a weakling within their midst. As her brother chimed in at last, her tail unfurled from its position embracing her haunches, beating rapidly against the earth to portray her support for the idea. Perhaps the child could play slave to their prince and princess ? such an idea was appealing to the covetous prodigy and she only hoped that their father would recognize the brilliance of Ares? words.

Devya, on the other hand, appeared far from pleased with the idea, offering her sibling a protest laced with venomous tones as well as outraged growls. A snarl wracked the viper?s countenance and she leapt to her feet once more, stance shifting defensively while the fur adorning her spinal column prickled angrily. ?You?re in our home, stupid ? you belong to all of us!? The brazen behavior the viper portrayed was atypical for her silent and enigmatic nature, but the tyke could not contain her anger when the stranger had talked so vehemently towards her sibling. No one was allowed to speak with him in such a manner, and the child was lucky that neither of them had torn her limb from limb for settling into their turf.