
not looking for a dowry, i promise



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
10-04-2021, 08:27 PM

The weight of what she'd done - and what she said - suddenly came crashing down on her. All the calm that she'd managed to grasp onto during their trip here suddenly vacated her, replaced with a stirring anxiety that was only growing by the second. Theory seemed interested in her proposition but the way Eli's demeanor shifted made her stomach feel like it was rising in her throat, threatening to spill its contents at her front paws. "I... perhaps I misspoke, cousin," she started, the voice inside her head screaming so loudly she wasn't sure she could even think over it, let alone speak without stumbling. "An agreement. I think we could work out an agreement between our packs. After spending time with Abaven, I see a possibility of a... mutually beneficial relationship." Somewhere down the line she'd lost sight of why she'd come to Abaven but suddenly, faced with the face of Eligos, she remembered: she'd been learning their weakness, learning just what they could exploit, learning how Abaven could benefit Aerie.

She just hoped she hadn't ruined everything she'd been working toward. Theory knew she was a wolf of her word, and she hoped she was beginning to realize the power of the Abraxas - she'd even prayed with her recently. Shifting her weight from one paw to the other, her gaze fixed on Eligos, nearly unblinking despite her rising nervousness. If she had stumbled she could only hope he could forgive her and redirect her; her loyalty lay with him, above all else, above everything she felt for Theory. "Eligos, perhaps Theory should rest her paws while we talk for a moment?" Her gaze implored him to accept her offer. She wanted a moment alone with him to talk as much as she feared what he might say to her once Theory was out of earshot.