
Not throwing away my shot [Pack claim!]



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
10-05-2021, 08:57 AM

Manea had been scouting the border of the northern pack for some time. With her new home made within Alias Island, it was a fairly short trip to reach them and she would rather be over informed about her target than not at all. However, as days passed, she was beginning to wonder if there was really even a pack here to begin with. The scents along the border were infrequent at best and whenever she spied across the border it was like a deserted wasteland. Perhaps it really was as Chimera said - perhaps this pack really was no challenge.

Part of her was actually disappointed. She had been looking forward to the fight and had been training and preparing all this time, ready to fight tooth and claw to stake her claim. It seemed as though there would be no fight, at least not from whoever it was that claimed they owned these lands. For a moment she considered turning her gaze elsewhere, but this was the pack that Venom wanted eliminated and if taking this pack would please the Empress then she would do it - even if it felt like taking food from a pup.

The Mendacium matriarch brought her family with her on this day - her husband and children along with her handmaiden to keep an eye on the adventurous pups while she handled the business at hand. She told her children to stay well away from the border until she called, not wanting them to land themselves in the middle of trouble if for some reason it came to a fight. But the moment she ensured it was safe for them to be there she would bring them in so they could witness the moment she established the pack that would carry on into their futures and their children’s futures.

She walked up to the nonexistent border and strode across into the land with Alastor beside her, Aqua gaze scanning the frozen tundra and sparsely planted pines for any signs of life. As they neared the large ship at the back of the territory she slowed to a stop with a smirk. This was it. Time was of the essence and she was tired of waiting. She tilted back her head and let out a long, loud howl, laying her claim to these abandoned lands and calling anyone from this pack that might remain that would wish to join her or for anyone that might wish to try and stop her.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny