
Blue Skies



3 Years
08-09-2013, 10:22 PM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2017, 04:04 PM by Shrapnel.)
Her ears pricked in the other's direction, though Kamala kept her gaze locked on the river, hoping that the flashing silver forms of the fish would be enough to distract her for the moment. "It is quite lovely," Kamala had to work to put some passion into her words, and even then, they seemed to fall a little flat. What was there to be lovely about today? She knew well enough that it was pretty, but it was hard to feel like it was. That was weird. She needed to get out of this funk.

If Kamala had been in private, she would have growled at herself. As it was, she shook her head violently and turned her thoughtful gaze towards her companion. "Swimming in this river is perhaps not advised, my lady." Kamala spoke absently, twitching her tail halfheartedly against the earth. "The current is indeed quite strong." With that, she let her voice fall into silence, allowing Aeil to carry on as she would in the silence that followed her words.

The question that she asked threw her for a loop more than Kamala was willing to admit. How to explain this without making it sound like she was insane? She wasn't, was she? "I wanted to explore a little," Kamala glanced around absently. To tell the truth, she hadn't really been paying attention to where she wound up. The downside of being as distracted as she was was that she didn't really remember getting here. Ugh. She really was a mess. Not a fitting Princess at all.

And speaking of being a Princess, Kamala didn't recognize the female at all. Her father would have been disappointed. Of course, he had every right to be. She was a failure. "My name is Kamala. I don't believe we've met, Lady?" So utterly impolite of her. She shouldn't have been named Princess. Not like this. She would only let Maverick down, and then he, like her mother and brother and her uncle, would find her unworthy.