
Christmas Came Early

Lillith ♡



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
10-05-2021, 03:21 PM

The beautiful jaguar cloak Lillith had made for him was forgotten. His self-doubts and guilty heart were forgotten. All that mattered in this moment was the silver-snow girl and her lips on his, consuming his every thought. When Lillith's arms came up to wrap around his neck, he lifted a foreleg to wind around her side, tugging the slender fae tighter to his body, kissing her with all the love and passion he felt for her. She was so sweet to him, always looking out for him and making Romulus feel like the greatest wolf in the world. Perhaps it wasn't circumstance that the two had met that balmy summer day, but a twist of fate that wove their stories together. The Armada was meant to find the Adravendi. If one believed such a thing.

The aching urges inside his core gnawed at his self restraint, and Roman found it increasingly difficult to keep from pulling Lillith even closer to him and escalating. Go easy with her, he reminded himself, holding himself back from his primal desires to show her just how much he loved her and wanted her. It wasn't easy, but he managed somehow. After a few blissful moments, their lips parted, and Roman gave a soft sigh of delight, silver eyes opening slowly to find shimmering rubies staring back at him. He smirked and chuckled low under his breath at her retort, responding only with another slow kiss before breaking away once more. He had to be careful. He didn't want to overwhelm Lil and he couldn't trust himself to behave if they kept this up.

Forcing himself to release his hold on her, Romulus gently pulled himself away from her embrace just enough to slip the jaguar cloak over his body. With a flick of his paw, he tossed the hood up over his head, grinning proudly as he struck a formidable pose for his girlfriend. "How do I look? Rugged and manly enough for your tastes?" he teased with a wink and a flash of his teeth in his rakish grin. He was hamming it up a bit, but that's who he was. Roman as nothing if not bombastic and dramatic.
