
you'll be in my heart



3 Years
08-09-2013, 10:33 PM
Kamala's wanderings had carried her back towards the center of Seracia's territory. She was still careful to avoid the places most heavily populated, but the gray female was closer to 'civilization' than she had been for a little while now. She had vacated the heart of Seracia's territory shortly after being proclaimed Princess, and had headed off to try and sort through her confused, jumbled thoughts. All that had done was made her that much more confused about everything that had happened to her. At the rate she was going, she would never be in a state to be a Princess, and her brother and father would realize how much of a failure she was and she would lose them too. She wasn't sure she could handle that.

And speaking of the devil, it was a howl from her brother that echoed in the air, summoning her to him. Sheer panic was Kamala's first reaction, her first thought that her brother was going to tell her exactly what she had feared he would say. That she wasn't good enough for him, like she hadn't been for her mother or her dear brother, or even Gideon. Oh hell. She really was a mess, wasn't she? Kamala knew it was irrational. But she still panicked, a low whine escaping her.

It took her a moment to force herself to turn towards the source of the howl, and to head towards her brother. She stopped just out of sight, hesitating a moment to compose herself, making a conscious effort to wag her tail as she padded forward, approaching the male. "Maverick." She greeted him with a wag of her tail, though she let her tail still after that, her ears pricked attentively in his direction as she examined the male. What had he called her for? He didn't look angry with her. But looks could be deceiving.