
MORE Halloween babies?

Oxxcluse litter



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-06-2021, 07:32 AM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2021, 02:20 PM by Mud. Edited 9 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: bones
Character's Name: Miasma (Eerie, Grave, Viscera, Venom, Wraith)
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 42"
Size: Large
Build: Light

Appearance Description:
Just like her name, Miasma's fur is a chaotic mixture of dark blue, black, and her mother's pale ghostly white. Her face is split in two - the right side a powder white with a pale pink eye. The left side of her face is a dark, living blue with a chaotic, twisting branch of white climbing from her snout to her ear. On the left side of her face, her eye is as dark as the night. Against her throat, on the left side, there is a marking that is almost like a strike of lighting across the sky. She likes to think she was struck by lightning once. Her left legs are mostly white, while her right paws are mostly black and blue. Her tail looks like a dark rock of a mountain dusted in snow. Mia walks with a bit of swagger - she has confidence in her looks and because she is very active, she believes she has an excellent figure worth showing off.

Mutations: Serrated teeth

charismatic - thrillseeker - disturbed - protective - difficult - musical - fearless - selfish - conceited

From the very beginning, young Miasma will have a troubling relationship with fear. She is addicted to fear. She loves nothing more than the feeling of terror running down her spine, her heart beating so hard against her chest she can barely stand it. White-hot adrenaline rushing through her veins as she stares down from the top of a waterfall. Everything she does will be for that moment just before she takes that leap. The visceral, terrifying, painful feeling of deciding to just jump. Once she's completely and utterly powerless, gliding through the air, she will close her eyes and smile. She's an adrenaline junkie. Bound to work tirelessly to get herself to the bigger, better jump. The biggest yet. She will be injured often - as expected - but her injuries will not deter her. Each scar across her body will remind her of how she got it and she will smile devilishly, wondering how she can do it all over again.

When she's young, her family will notice her inclination to sing. One might say she was gifted with a pleasing singing voice. She makes up songs or will repeat things she's heard before, mixed up with nonsense noises and yips. Her family will also notice some disturbing characteristics. Mia is a natural hunter - the fear in the eyes of her prey is intoxicating - and she will linger with her prey for far, far too long. She'll be caught leaving rabbits on the brink of death and watching the fear in their eyes as they pass, to get a little slice of the adrenaline she so craves.

On the outside, Miasma will be a generally well-adjusted adult. She will laugh and smile, make jokes and participate in family gatherings. Miasma finds conversation natural and easy. Her violent and dangerous side will be something she devotes her free time to, but duties for her family will come first.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills: Hunting/fighting

RP Sample Not sure if we have or not but here you are!