
i'm not gonna write you a -good title-




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-06-2021, 01:26 PM

Plague wasn't sure how Venom would react as he told her about how Rava had come to live with them and the current state of the expectations he had of their den mate - or lack there of. His sister didn't give much of a reaction at the mention of taking the lives of a couple of the slavers in the process, but he wouldn't have minded even if she had. He had no remorse for what he had done. In the end Rava was safe with them and he had cleared the world of a small part of the scum that had gotten her to such a state. What he hadn't been expecting was for Venom to offer her help in convincing Rava to go through with carrying their children.

He blinked with surprise as he considered the offer, giving her a little smile. He would always appreciate the lengths Venom went to in order to help him realize his dreams and live his life the way he wanted to live it. From encouraging his relationship with Void, helping plan their wedding, supporting him as he challenged for his rank, allowing him the freedom to make his home outside of Ashen's borders, being the one to officially marry him and his husband, and now this... He would forever be indebted to her and he didn't know how he'd begin to repay her.

"I'm afraid I've gotten a little too fond of the girl to do anything she isn't comfortable with," he admitted. Living with Rava had made him quite attached and protective of her and he couldn't imagine doing anything that might ruin the trust he had been building with her. His head tilted as he considered things though and added, "But... Maybe if I'm able to have her live here in Ashen while she's carrying the pups and we're able to assure her she'll have a healer near by if they're needed... I'm not sure if that would help make her more comfortable with the arrangement, but it's worth a shot." He gave her a curious glance as he said, "If that's okay with you I can talk to her about it when I get home."

Plague Abraxas-Destruction