
welcome to existence


08-09-2013, 11:01 PM

It was now nearly impossible to miss Ocena?s pregnancy. Her pups had distorted her petite body, and she found it difficult to walk long distances now. This certainly put a damper in her wandering with her tribe of rogues, but it was a small price to pay for what would prove to all of Alacritia that her family was not weak, though they may have lost two territories. She blamed Gargoyle for neither of these losses and indeed didn?t mind wandering in the least.

For the time, however, her wanderings had stopped. She had claimed a den for herself not too long ago and set about enlarging it, ensuring that there would be enough space for Mercianne and for all who wished to see her children. There would at least be Gargoyle, of that she was certain, and perhaps her other children might wish to see their siblings be born. Avalon, Galileo, and Orica. She thought fondly of her children, a smile flickering across her maw as she made her careful way towards her den. Her body promised that soon, her children would be born. Cramps wracked her frame, making her stop every few steps, squeezing her eyes shut as the pain shot through her body.

She thanked her lucky stars that her den was not too far away. It meant that it didn?t take her too long to reach the den, and only then did she have the presence of mind to tilt her head back and howl, summoning Mercianne in particular to her side. It was a promise that she had made to Gargoyle, and one that she fully intended to honor. And besides, it made sense. She had heard far too many tales of mothers bleeding out and losing their lives, and of pups who grew up without a mother because of that. It wasn?t something that she would allow her children to go through. Not that she could really fight it, but if she could take some precautions, she would. And that meant that Mercianne would attend to her. The female had already agreed to it, according to Gargoyle, though she was pregnant as well. But unless Mercianne was having her children in the same moment, Ocena figured things would be alright.

It was good that she had summoned Mercianne early on, because her thoughts were slowly being dwarfed by the pain as cramps worked their way through her body. Damn, why had this seemed like a good idea? Oh right, because her children were the light of her life and they had been worth every second of pain. But that was hard to remember around the pain.
