
my momma done told me


08-09-2013, 11:18 PM

Thank you? Ocena would have raised a brow at that, if she could have. As it was, she settled for tilting her head slightly, examining her daughter thoughtfully. What was she thankful for? Ocena had just told her that her father was not the saint that she had probably believed he was. And her daughter was thankful? Something truly was afoot (apaw? did it matter?).

Luckily for Ocena's curiosity, her daughter continued soon after, elaborating on what had had her acting so strangely. "Well, my dear, I don't doubt you. You come from a long line of wolves who have helped the most complex of wolves change." Did she fall into that list? Ocena hoped so. She wanted to believe that she had helped Gargoyle on his path to becoming the lovely male that she adored so. "If you believe that he can change, then I believe you." It was hard to believe that her children were growing up so, but they were. Orica was going to be all grown up in a short while, and Ocena had to let her make her own decisions. She couldn't force Orica to never do anything, to stay at her side forever, and if Orica thought that she could help this wolf, well, who was Ocena to stop her?

Of course, she wasn't about to let Orica go crazy with helping this wolf. But Orica was growing up and she had to make her own decisions. Just like Galileo, just like Avalon. "Just . . . be careful, darling." Ocena had to say that. She had to. Orica was her daughter, after all, and for all of Ocena's lofty goals of letting her daughter be her own wolf, she worried about the youngster.
