
like a tattoo


08-09-2013, 11:41 PM


She reclined against his massive paw, enjoying the comfort of his well pillowed body. It was one of the many perks of Gargoyle being a behemoth; he could wrap himself around her and still have room to spare so that she could sprawl out and rest on him. It was perfect. Just like him. "Me neither," Ocena admitted, "They'll be gorgeous, just like you." Grinning playfully, Ocena nudged her partner, tail wagging gently against Gargoyle's body as she nestled back down, wriggling around a little to get comfortable against his body.

A smile crossed the female's features as Gargoyle spoke next, and she lift her head to gaze lovingly up at him. "It'll be nice to not have so much extra weight." Ocena huffed slightly, but that smile was still there. She loved Gargoyle, and their children, even their unborn ones, and this was just something thta she would have to endure before she would have more mouths to feed and love.

Tail wagging slightly, Ocena snuggled a little closer to Gargoyle, "It's worth it." She murmured, half to herself, "They'll be perfect, of course. I know where they get it, too." From him, of course. Because Gargoyle was the most amazing wolf that Ocena had ever met. He truly was perfection to her, and that was what mattered, right?

TAG: gargie! NOTES: god i'm sorry this is probably horrible