
The Princess and the Prince



"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-07-2021, 12:27 AM
Satira was quite pleased by the shocked look of stupor that crossed the bigger boy's face when she started talking back to him, clearly destroying whatever preconceived notions he had about her. Good; serves him right for making assumptions about her and treating her like a baby. Pale blue eyes narrowed to snarky points while she held the red wolf's golden gaze, warm and cool eyes locked in visual combat. His overly dramatic display of bowing before her made Tira scoff and roll her eyes, but at the same time it was an improvement to being condescended. "That's much better, thank you," she retorted and made a show of sticking her nose up in the air, returning his exaggerated show of pompousness that was definitely not characteristic of her. No doubt this stranger would probably guess that too. "I suppose I can forgive you this one time, but the next time I might have to have you executed." Try as she might to maintain a straight face, Tira couldn't resist the smirk from dancing on her tiny muzzle, nearly giggling at how silly her own theatrics were.

To her surprise, the boy didn't turn tail and leave. Instead he sat down, getting comfortable while he sized her up and made no effort to hide it. The way his gold eyes moved boldly over her, no doubt considering her size and spunk for her age, did little to faze the tiny Fatalis princess. Tira was nothing if not confident in herself and her position. The boy introduced himself as Cináed, then commented on her own brashness to demand someone's name without introducing herself. Then he called her rude. Satira's eyes widened, though they held their narrowed taper. Rude?! She was the very embodiment of manners, thank you very much! "Mom taught me to never give up the upper hand," she remarked with a teasing smirk of her own. "It's not rude, it's called being smart. You should try it sometime." Satira flashed Cina a bright smile and sat down to join him in his more relaxed posture. "I'm Satira. Satira Fatalis. You might have heard of my family before." Her final comment made in sarcasm; everyone knew of the superiority of the Fatalises, after all.

While she was lost in the pride of revealing her identity to Cináed, she felt something flick one of her flopped over ears. Satira blinked in surprise, gasping in shock and incredulity, floored that this stranger would have the gall to actually lay a paw on a Fatalis princess so audaciously! So stunned was Satira that she didn't say anything other than gape at him with wide eyes when he asked if she really was a wolf. How dare he! With the most ferocious growl the small puppy could muster up, Satira turned her head up and snapped tiny jaws at Cina's paw, catching the end of his digits with her tiny needly puppy teeth. "Excuse you! Of course I'm a wolf! You're clearly as dumb as you look!" She huffed and pouted, puffing up her little chest as much as she could, swiping her paws with little feline claws on the end at his paw if he made another attempt to flick her soft, floppy ears.

"Satira Fatalis"