
They Glow Like We Do




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
10-07-2021, 01:40 AM

Avacyn gave a soft hum when Sara mentioned that it might be a game they hadn't been taught yet, curious ebony eyes watching their parents completely unknowing in what she was watching. She turned her gaze toward her twin as he nudged her shoulder, grinning at the suggestion that they play this game themselves to figure out what it was that they were enjoying so much. Ava gave an enthusiastic nod, never wanting to be left out of the fun. She wondered if their parents would teach them the game if they asked what it was all about, but then again they would be giving themselves away if they did that and she didn't want to get them in trouble for sneaking out. No, she'd keep their secret and they could simply experiment and figure it out on their own! Whatever it was, it sounded like mom and dad were having a really, really good time doing it!

Suddenly the fireflies they had from escaped before found them and she blinked at the bright lights that were suddenly filling her vision. She took a couple steps back form where she had been peeking around the rock, blinking and shaking her head since the bright, swarming fireflies made her eyes go all weird and blinded her with their light. Her ears perked at her brother's whispered insistence that they retreat and she gave a little nod, turning to follow him as they made a hasty retreat back to the den. She definitely didn't want them getting caught and these fireflies were going to make hiding very difficult!

Once they were back in the den the glowing bugs chasing them dissipated and she glanced back over her shoulder just to make sure they weren't caught. Sure enough there was no one behind them and when she peeked into the alcove where Irilyth was sleeping it looked like their babysitter was none the wiser. She looked back to Sara and returned his grin as he nudged her and then followed him back to bed, climbing in beside him and cuddling up with her head tucked into his fur. She didn't know where all those fireflies came from or what made their markings glow so brightly or what kind of game their parents were playing, but it all made for a very interesting night that she wouldn't be forgetting for a very long time!

"Avacyn Mendacium"