
Who cast 'raise the dead'?




Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Navigator (80)

5 Years

Pride - DemisexualThe Ooze ParticipantWordy
10-07-2021, 01:44 AM

Iho watched while Kitsune snuggled herself in closer to him, both of them tucked up under the mammoth fur she'd brought for him all those months ago. He'd supplemented the rest of his bed with furs from his own hunts since then, but he always used that mammoth fur as a blanket. It was his special gift from the princess, and he couldn't imagine parting with it. Watching her get comfortable brought a small smile to Iho's face, having developed a fondness for the young girl in the seasons they'd spent together. Never in all his life would he have expected to make friends with royalty, let alone a princess so young, but sometimes life was funny that way.

Kit explained how she couldn't sleep, how she'd had a weird gut feeling. As if on cue, some sort of strange, haunting howl wailed from somewhere out in the swamp, causing Iho to tear his gaze from her to the dark night just outside the entrance of his den. He'd never heard a sound like that before in his life and he certainly didn't want to meet whatever had made it. He clutched Kitsune tighter, his heart racing from the thrill of fear, ready to grab the girl and run if need be. It's just noises... Just sounds... They're not real... he told himself. "Well, hopefully your parents won't mind you having a sleepover with a friend," said Kumiho with a smile he wore mostly for her benefit.

A cold chill began to creep into the air, seeming to seep its way into his bones. The fog outside grew denser, white mist turning an ethereal blue in the moonlight. Nope! He didn't like this one bit. Rising from bed, Iho stepped over to the entryway and grabbed the piece of bark he used as a door from just outside, wedging it securely in the entrance of the den to seal the creepy world out and keep them safe inside. Iho stayed near the door for a minute longer, peering through a gap to the moonlit world outside. He saw silhouettes moving in the fog, creeping around with jerky, shambling movements, the creatures following the glow of the fireflies through the swamp. Frowning and trying to ignore the ice in his veins, Iho slipped silently from the door and crawled back into bed, finding Kitsune in the dark and curling around her again as he held her protectively. "I've got you," he whispered, knowing how scared she had been and hoping to soothe some of that fear. "Thank you for coming to check on me, Kit. Y'know, with your gut feeling and all..."
