
Blue Skies


08-10-2013, 12:29 AM

She continued to see the distance that was readable in Kamala's eyes. It was a look she was all too familiar with, considering past acquaintances she had met had been like that. Something was definitely on this young female's mind, something that was tempting to overrule how she acted and spoke. Again, Aeil didn't want to forcibly extract any information from her, so she patiently reclined to her haunches and proceeded with the pleasantries of conversation. "It definitely is, although I wouldn't mind swimming downstream if it meant catching a delicious meal." Her tongue swept across her dark lips to emphasize how yummy a fish dinner would be.
The twinkle in her eyes didn't fade as she perked her ears at the other female's inquiry. Names were forgotten before she had thought about it, which made Aeil all the more embarrassed. "Oh my goodness," she said, eyes widening in shock. "Forgive me for being so rude, m'lady. I should have let you know who I was before carrying on a conversation with you. If your imagination is as vivid as mine, I bet the possibility of me being an evildoer could pop up in your mind." She raised a paw in midair and gently shook it. "Believe me, though, I am not like that at all."
It was then that Aeil rose from her sitting stance and rose to all four paws. She dipped her lower half to the ground, bringing her head closer to her chest with eyes closed. "I am Aeilanyllis, but everyone I have met so far have agreed that Aeil is a better way to get my attention." Her dark form rose from its regal bow and she shook all over to warm up the muscles that had been temporarily stiff. "What is your name, pretty stranger?" Her question was followed by a tilt of her majestic head.
