
On The Borders Of Safety [Healing Lesson]



Master Fighter (270)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - Lesbian
1KDouble Master
10-07-2021, 02:36 PM

Gossamer thought for a moment. "That's a good question. There are a number of factors, one being what we have at our disposal since we're working with diminished stores." They had plenty of yarrow compared to other plants that could treat the same symptoms courtesy of yarrow's longer growing season and hardier standing. "But, something else that would make me consider yarrow over another herb would be a fever. If they have a high fever I'd be more likely to consider yarrow. However, if the patient has a wet cough I might lean toward something like marshmallow or comfrey that could help the cough be more productive. Note that you can sometimes do various combinations of herbs to." Though that would get more complicated and would be a whole lesson in itself.

Gossamer turned to Ophelia to answer her sister's question. "Also a good question. Yes, many herbs can turn deadly if give in too high a dose including yarrow. If your patient happens to be allergic it can also cause a rash. Speaking of rashes, where I think yarrow really shines is in stopping bleeding. It is excellent for slowing the bleeding of various scratches and minor lacerations. I prefer to make a poultice out of it."

Gossamer scooted over to the second set of bowls. "You can make a poultice or ointment with yarrow. Since we're focusing on water extractions today I'm going to show you how to make a poultice for a wound with water. I mean you can also use your spit to if you have to." Water was going to become harder to come by with winter setting in but ideally they wouldn't want to be working bacteria into a patient's wound.

Gossamer took a small amount of dried leaves and added them to her bowl, she then poured in a little water from her waterskin. Once it was safely recorked with Ásta's help she addressed her audience. "What you want is enough water to make a paste. You can do this with fresh or dried leaves. To make the paste I like to use old bones but you can use a good stick as well." Or paws but that again tended to get messy. Gossamer picked up an old deer's shin bone and tilted her head as she started mashing and grinding the plant and water into a paste. Once that was done she set the bone aside. Digging her paw in she applied the poultice to her other arm on an imaginary wound. "You can then use a hide or other bandage to secure it or if the paste is thick enough wait for it to dry into the fur on the wound. Another thing to note about Yarrow is that it can help ward off infection. Any other questions you'd like to ask?"