
Keep in Touch [Theory/Abaven]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
10-07-2021, 05:49 PM


It was with carefully neutral expression that the young Destruction boy watched the dainty, glowing fae embrace his leader. The fondness was evident in the gesture, and there was a bit of relief that came with it. Training wheels were still on with this meeting, and for that he was somewhat grateful. Theory threw him a safety net in the form of a brief explanation for his presence, making use of her easygoing smile and familiarity with the wolves who had come to visit. "Solo is training alongside me for our Corda rank - a diplomat. Your visit is timely. There's nothing better than firsthand experience!" she said, and he tried to match her energy with a soft wag of his tail and a quiet bob of his head in agreement. The pale dame looked to him with deep blue eyes, and offered a small smile. “It’s good to meet you, Solo. I am Aurielle Adravendi, spirit – or alpha – of Valhalla.” she informed him, to which he offered a respectful dip of his heavy skull in acknowledgement. And then his attention was drawn to the impossibly tall, handsome young man. “Ardyn Adravendi, Destiny, or Heir, of Valhalla. Nice to meet you, Solo.” he added onto his mother's introduction gracefully, and with his own warm smile. Once more, the pale diplomat in training tipped his head in a polite greeting, a small smile of his own curving over dark lips.

He tracked the shift in attention as the pair began to speak more directly to Theory, offering polite inquiries into the pack's wellbeing and the offer of mysterious gifts in a leather satchel. What really caught Solo's attention was the fact that the boy was holding the satchel in his paw, which turned out to look very little like a paw at all when he looked a little closer. Staring is rude, Solo. He looked quickly away, casting his gaze instead to Theory, awaiting her response to see what he ought to be doing with himself. The boy had.. squirrel hands. No. Monkey hands? It was going to keep him up at night. He settled slowly onto his haunches, tucking his black tipped tail lightly against one thigh and relaxing the tension that had unknowingly built in his burly shoulders. "Well, now that you and your black bear heir are here, I'd love to resume discussing our joint festival. We had such promising plans before the weather decided to disagree... for an entire year," he knew the Sequoia well enough to know that she was genuinely lamenting the horrible winter in which he had been born, and the subsequent months of cold while he'd been growing up. He knew that winters were not typically that gruelling, but he lacked any experience with a normal winter season. His focus sharpened when the cerulean gaze of his leader turned upon him, gold marked auds perking. Her grin was contagious, but perhaps that was the stress making him feed into the energy more than he usually might? "Enjoy this, because it's easily the most fun part of diplomacy - planning festivals!" she remarked, and he chuckled softly, thumping his tail against the ground.

"I'll make sure to keep it in mind, Sequoia," he replied lightly, glancing towards the visitors to offer them a cheerful smile. He genuinely did feel some anticipation towards the planning that was taking place, and he was excited to have some hand in making something nice for the packs.