
MORE Halloween babies?

Oxxcluse litter


The Hallows

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze - Variation 2By the skin of my teethOverachiever
Critical Block!The Ooze Participant1K
10-07-2021, 06:00 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2021, 09:01 AM by Grimshaw. Edited 30 times in total.)

Appearance ─ Written around the preferred design. If chosen, an appearance will be written around the secondary design with a modification to eye color (probably). Additionally, I would also be okay with twins if someone is using the same design!

Build ─ She will be born as a pudgy, blue pup with little in the way if distinguishable markings besides some little gold flecks around her eyes and dusty, dark blue Carpathius nose. As a young girl, Widow will rival the height of grown men and many will often mistake her for being much older than she is due to it. She will not understand why she is so large, so different from the rest, and it will weigh on her greatly while she is young, often doing what she can to make herself at least appear smaller. Eating will be of little value to her and will only ingest what is necessary to survive, and only while others are watching.

It won't be until she ages some that she begins to respect herself and enjoy her large size, understanding that she is not alone in the world of massive wolves. Through rigorous training she will develop a fair amount of muscle while retaining a womanly shape. Although her height will work against her, speed will be her greatest asset as due to her younger mindset, her lack of nutrients as a child will make it nearly impossible to grow and gain enough weight to be solid instead of speedy. It won't slow her down, figuratively and literally.

Coat ─ As covered earlier, she is born a dusty denim color with little visible markings except maybe some darker spots and areas and a cheetah like tear marking underneath each eye. What stands out, however, will be gold flecking around her eyes and above her nose. As a pup, there will only be a few flecks that stand separate from the others, but as she ages the specks will grow together and create and egyptian style eyeliner across the tops of her eyes, a bit underneath as well, and some little flecks between her eyes and again, a small triangular shape above her denim nose.

Darker markings will begin to take shape as she matures, beginning with some spots appearing across her torso, shoulders, and nape. Some faint, dark freckles will also be appearing on her face, above the golden markings on her forehead as well as underneath the cheetah tear markings. As she reaches maturity, the darker spots along her sides will turn into spotting similar to that of a snow leopard. Darker blue engulfs each paw, reaching up her legs differently from each other, ending near the wrists of her forepaws and up the thigh of her hind legs.

Eyes ─ Her eyes are a beautiful mercurial silver, standing out brightly from the golden freckles and dark blue fur as if they were a pair of moons themselves, wide with curiosity as a young girl and eerily empty as an adult.

Mutations ─ I am interested in getting her a mutation, probably. I would possibly like the serrated teeth from the Carpathius line, or something new to the family like opposable thumbs, glowing gold markings, etc. If I get her, I will discuss with you about the best possible mutation option and alter the appearance to fit.

Personality ─
Self Conscious → Narcissistic ─ Widow begins her life very aware of her size and quickly becomes embarrassed over it once she's grown enough, either due to teasing from littermates and adults or just because she realizes she is much larger than others her age and more like a grown man. As an impressionable child, she will do whatever she deems necessary to make herself appear smaller, and as she grows, will even resort to drastic measures in the means of not eating what she should be, and only eating when she's being watched. Something will turn her around, though, whether it be getting incredibly sick or finding a supportive friend that can hold her hand through changing her mindset. Unfortunately, it will take a one-eighty turn and she will begin to realize as she ages how beautiful she has become. Training her mind and her body will change Widow completely from a pup to an adult and no longer will she be worried about what others think of her, but instead know that she's hot shit.

Bossy → Arrogant ─ Vocal from the moment she's born, Widow will have a lot to say and it certainly won't be a suggestion. While nursing, she'll use her weight to push herself through to the best nipple (despite her later opinions on her size), and demand the best of everything and to be first at everything. She is defensive over herself, despite the ways she thinks when others tease her and she compares herself to others, and often snaps back at rude retorts. Along with her narcissistic tendencies, she truly believes that she is superior to others and as she ages and grows to love herself, it will only get worse.

Nosy → Sly ─ Anyone else rush to look out their blinds when they hear a strange sound outside? Widow isn't any different. She'll listen in on conversations she doesn't need to be listening to, thought usually for her own benefit. She's a sneaky little thing, hiding wherever she can to listen in on important conversations her mother or other important pack member may be having. Once she's let outside Habari, well, everyone will be fair game at that point. She'll learn to keep quiet despite her size, sneaking up on others conversations to learn vital information for her mother and the pack, doing her best to make her mother proud.

Curious → Intelligent → Experimental* ─ Widow will be an endless question-asking machine. Why is this that way or why is that like that? She will be a studious girl, soaking in every bit of knowledge like a dry sponge and will seek out answers to every question she ask, often marching from wolf to wolf until she is answered. It will be frustrating for her, but she will become quite the intelligent woman from her inquisitive youth. Well rounded in all aspects, she will be a powerful woman with not only strength on her side, but smarts as well.

* Her curiosity will get the best of her at all ages, and through careful studying of plants and nature as a child, she will begin to experiment secretly and develop potions that can not only alter one's appearances by ways of colors and markings, but can also change one's size and even mutate! Widow will dive into the world of potion making at this point, often filling her time between orders of beauty to making medicines, tonics, tinctures, and even drugs and alcohol.

Playful → Competitive ─ Like most pups, Widow will be playful and often seek out her siblings (or older pups, due to her size) to wrestle and practice fighting with. Games like hide and seek, tag, and races will be of great value to her as they, unknowingly of course, build her skills at stealth, speed, and smarts. From an early age she will be very competitive, disappointed in herself whenever she loses and often demanding rematches as her bossy nature would. As she ages and builds her mental and physical strength, there will be nothing stopping her from taking what she wants be it first place, a rank, or a whole damn pack.

Flirty → Carnal ─ Once Widow realizes she's beautiful, there won't be anything stopping her from stealing the glances of others and relishing in the moment of their eyes upon her. She will love the attention and will often seek it out, but teasing and keeping herself just out of reach. Until she's old enough of course**, then things will be very, very different. Although she will only seek the attention of men, it will take effort to tie the woman down to only one man and instead she will often frequent the beds of many, seeking the pleasure and need for approval that it brings her.

Plans ─ *If staff allow, I would love for her to experiment with potions and randomly grow and change mutations or even colors with constant use of redesign passes and mutation passes if allowed (staff are discussing)! Otherwise, she will be the local ic character redesign, post acceptance marking/mutation/height potion maker for those interested in ic plotting those things out!
**I would actually like to use my teenage pregnancy pass on her, if possible, when she is a year old during her birth season! If that wouldn't be okay with you, I'm 100% okay with not doing it, I just have a pass already from the halloween event last year and she would seem to make the most sense at this point, before any ic involvement. I'm also completely okay with plotting this out with whoever, if anyone is interested (I'm not against incest for ic purposes only, it's not something I condone in rl).

Other Names, If You'd Prefer ─ Widow is preferred, but these are others in order of preference: Eerie or Hex, Omen, Tarot, Torment

* I only use the coded table to help with creating the character, it's only for aesthetic purposes and not to try and win extra brownie points, promise!

female ─ neutral ─ heterosexual ─ light ─ 45" ─ fighting / healing
I may change her fighting to either navigation or intellect, but for now I'm going to keep her as a tough girl!
by skelle.

Grimshaw has a septum ring, a fluffy curled tail, and a horrible facial scar (hover)
that may not be reflected in his art!

please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex