
Who cast 'raise the dead'?




Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Navigator (80)

5 Years

Pride - DemisexualThe Ooze ParticipantWordy
10-08-2021, 12:02 AM

Kumiho didn't dare take his eyes off of Kitsune while she clung onto him in the dark of the quiet den. She gave him a nonchalant response when he thanked her, clearly still focused on what sort of horrors were going on with the world right now. Not that he could blame her. Right now, it felt like the two of them were locked in a desperate struggle to stay alive until dawn with a host of dangerous paranormal demons waiting to break down the door and devour them alive. Kit asked him what he had seen outside, and for a brief moment Iho grappled with the decision of telling her the truth or lying to make her feel better. As much as he wanted to protect the princess, she was a clever girl, and he knew she'd sniff out his white lies in an instant.

"I think our coyote friend is still out there," he whispered back, not detailing the ghoulish sight he'd seen in the fog, but still conveying enough of a message for Kitsune to understand. She didn't need to know about those undead looking freaks shuffling around like reanimated corpses. So long as they stayed safe in here, that was all that mattered. "Don't worry, he can't get us in here." Of course, Iho didn't know that for a fact. He was just trying to help keep Kit calm.

As if fate was conspiring to make him seem like a liar, the sound of heavy paws stomping the moist ground outside the den broke the silence. Kumiho sucked in a sharp breath through gritted teeth and froze, blue eyes widened with terror as he stared at the door. His paw instinctively moved to try and cover Kitsune's muzzle in case she let out any involuntary sounds of fear. His heartbeat pounded in his chest, racing through his icy blood. Iho held his breath, his ears erect and strained to focus on every little sound outside the door. There was no sound of breathing, but the shuffling footsteps continued, pacing slow circles around the entrance of the den. His forelegs squeezed tighter around Kit, keeping her form held tight and protective against his body. Go away... Please go away... he thought in silent prayer.

The shuffling paws moved away from the door, stomping over top of the den as whatever it was walked on the roof above them. Iho bit his lip to keep himself quiet, scarcely breathing for fear of making a single sound. His lungs ached and his heart felt fit to burst it was beating so fast! Then, from above them on the roof, that fiendish howl came again, louder than before and booming in his ears so loud it made them ring. Iho squeezed his eyes shut, doing everything he could to keep himself and Kit quiet and undetected. Just as he was mentally preparing himself to make a break for it with Kit, the paws moved on, stomping off into the swamp until the world was quiet once more. A few minutes after that, the sounds of crickets and croaking frogs returned. Iho waited until he was sure nothing was outside anymore, then he relaxed his hold on Kitsune, breathing a heavy sigh of relief while he looked down at the almost yearling. "You okay...?"
