
I Want More


08-10-2013, 03:19 AM
He hadn't learned much about fighting just yet - but he knew that with skill came strength, and strength meant power. Right now, the boy needed knowledge, and with a young sense, he knew that. With that in mind he had started hunting, fighting with prey that was a bit too big for a child his age to be trying to take down, but not large enough to permanently maim him. He had attained a few scratches, some bites from bigger rodents and such, but it was nothing that would leave him with much scarring. All of it left him feeling surprisingly empty once the animal was dead. Accomplishment did not flood his system, only the feeling that there was something missing from his little list of kills. A rabbit here, a groundhog there, and a good sized pig that had just started growing its tusks. It had taken quite a few days for him to accumulate the various kills, but he had stopped a couple of days prior because he just wasn't feeling anything from it.

He didn't want to hunt, he wanted to learn how to fight.

Codeine crept through the area, his ears high atop his head and his silver eyes looking for movement. Using his senses more often was something that he was inadvertently practicing as he trained his hunting skills. He huffed lightly as he slunk forward, only to freeze when he realized that he wasn't the only lupine in the area. Artemis... The boy had to wonder whether what she was up to - and also, whether she was paying attention. With that in mind he attempted to take her by surprise, trailing after her and waiting for the perfect moment to pounce.