
Who cast 'raise the dead'?




Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Navigator (80)

5 Years

Pride - DemisexualThe Ooze ParticipantWordy
10-08-2021, 12:49 AM

Had he not been so terrified and certain they'd been on the precipice of some horrific death, Iho might have felt bad for how he'd handled the young princess. It was definitely not the way he would have normally, but this was a survival scenario, and the rules of court decorum and propriety were all but damned to hell at this point. Listening to her gasp for breath, Iho realized just how tight he'd been holding her mouth and that he'd unintentionally been smothering her. "Sorry," he apologized in a sheepish whisper, ears folding to his head. "I..." He paused. How the hell did he answer that question?! He knew it was no coyote, but he couldn't lie to her and pretend it was something that it wasn't. Nothing about this made any sense!

"...I don't know," he eventually admitted, afraid to say exactly how scared he actually was. He had to be the brave and tough one for Kit when she was relying on him to make things better, even when he was ready to piss himself out of fright. "But whatever it is, I'm going to protect you from it. Cross my heart, Princess." Giving the little fireborne girl a crooked smile, Iho crossed his heart with his paw, the same way he had done when they'd first met and she made him promise to stay and be her subject. He hoped the little gesture meant as much to her as it did to him.

With the night seeming to grow calmer, Iho sank further down into the furs and tugged the blanket of mammoth fur snug over them to keep them sheltered from the dark. He didn't know if sleep would be a luxury he'd be afforded tonight, but he wanted to make sure that little Kitsune got her rest at least. Snuggling close with her, Iho dipped his snout to nuzzle the girl's forehead right behind her budding antlers, keeping her wrapped up in his forelegs with his body curled around hers so she could lie cuddled up into him. With their sizes, Kit fit perfectly against his body, and he quite liked being her security pillow. In one last attempt to drive the fear of the night away, Iho began to sing a hushed lullaby beneath his breath, the lyrics of which were in the tongue of his homeland—the same homeland as Kitsune's father.
