

Kestrel I


12 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
08-10-2013, 03:36 AM
OOC Name: Dragon
How did you get here?: I missed Lu ;_;
Age: 20

Character's Name: Kestrel
Age: Born August 10th
Season of birth: Summer
Size: Baby
Appearance description: As a cub, Kestrel will be, and will always remain smaller then her siblings. She was born more on the runty side of things, so she will never be as large as her brothers will be. Her coat has taken on her Fathers side, being the darkest of her siblings and taking on his marks as well. This girl also contains the "Mute" gene...none know where alone the lines she got it from, just that she cannot speak. Some say it could be an omen, or bad luck for Mercianne and Awakens first litter.
The eyes of this child are a deep green, taking after her Fathers and contrasting against her darker coat. She is mostly an ebony colored girl, with the exception of white covering half her right foreleg, She has a white stripe running from the base of her nose, to the crown of her head between her ears. White also follows her jaw line. The underside of her body is grey, and this goes from the base of her neck all down her entire chest and stomach until it reaches the beginning of the underside of her tail where it then shifts to white. Her sides are marked with a white marking that follows the length of her body just between the grey and black. She also has a few small dots of white above the white markings on her right foreleg, jawline, and sides, making it seem like stars in the night sky.

Over all, her coat basically makes her seem as if she came from the night sky with her black, white, and grey infused pelt. Giving her an appearance of a celestial being of some sort.
Duty: Will choose when she's about 2 or so