
my momma done told me



08-10-2013, 08:37 AM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Orica could see the caution on her mother?s face. She hoped her statement wouldn?t give the good wolf too much to trouble over. Plus she felt a little guilty for her light reaction about her father?s past. It was something to wonder about, certainly, but so long as Orica knew none of the details, her mind could assure herself of the best, most vague option. It was her dad after all. Demyan on the other hand? she?d heard the horrible things he?d said ? and with such language! She knew he?d been a monster. The things he?d said he?d done were the same things that her father and Awaken had killed wolves for doing, and? and rightly so.

Yet he?d showed guilt. That counted for something right? Some hidden recess of his personality, some faint glimmer of goodness had been showed. Not only had he spared the medic when she?d ended up shouting at him, but then he even went as far as to nearly kill himself saving her. How was Orica to disregard something like that?

But at the same time, as far as Orica knew, this was where the story ended. They?d had their meeting and soon she?d be headed off to another land. Perhaps one day off way into the future their paths would cross again, but if the grey hunter fell back into his ways, then no, she didn?t wish to ever lay eyes on him. She?d rather be left with just this memory. With the hope for better things. Her mother, however, was speaking as though it were some on-going mission. It meant a lot ? hearing how her mother really and truly trusted her daughter. It meant so much; it gave so much confidence. To hear that her mother already had faith in Orica?s heart and decisions? That meant the world. On hearing it, the girl could not suppress her tail curling with pleasure and giving a flurried wag. She stretched out her muzzle with a little warbled whine of wordless thanks.

?-Just?be careful darling.?

Orica shook her head gently at that. ?You really needn?t worry mother. It-it was just a one time thing. A chance meeting.? One that Orica was lucky to survive. She wasn?t making any plans to have a similar encounter for a long, long time. Orica stretched forward a bit more to nuzzle her head into her mother?s neck fur, just wanting a brief embrace to show her thanks for letting the girl share her secret ? and wanting the security that only the presence of a mother can bring.
