



08-10-2013, 08:39 AM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Orica had spotted Avalon in the distance first and called to her excitedly. Her black and white tail curled up with happiness when she started to wag it too much. With her decent size, she ended up looking like a blue-eyed malamute let loose from the kennels. Those eyes were quick to switch targets though, as another similar looking figure popped out from about the dunes and stones just a little ways away. ?Gali!? Orica called happily, surprise turning to delight as she recognized the voice and face. This was perfect! They all could play together! To his taunting question, she had no time to answer ? that smile on her face faded a little and then suddenly flipped as she saw what neither of her sibilngs seemed to. Eachother. ?Look out!? she shouted.

Too late. Well, maybe Gali would be able to save himself after a bit, but Avalon took a full tumble. With how twin-like their colors and patterns were it became impossible to distinguish one from the other! Soon enough though Avalon seemed to break free, but was still going head over heels. The slight slope of the sand probably didn?t help anything. Orica started running forward, and with Avalon?s rolling, the distance was soon closed. White paws, dancing nervously, she looked over her bellyflopped sister. She was already starting to get up and wipe herself off though. Thank goodness it had just been sand underfoot.

One look at Avalon?s white muzzle covered in sand, however, had a grin twitching itself onto Orica?s face. Before she could help herself she was laughing. With her sweet voice, it came out like music ? somewhere between a giggle and real, belly laughter. Her legs failed her and she fall over on her side, taking her turn to cover her coat in sand. Her eyes turned to happy blue slits as a raspberry or two slid past her maw. ?You looked like a beached fish!? she managed to cry out between gasps for air.
