
Let Me Tell Ya Somethin'




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
10-08-2021, 06:30 PM

The time he spent within the pack lands had been less and less these days. He'd come home every couple of days or so just to see if anything had changed or developed and all he found was weakening scents around the border. At some point he just stopped noticing a fresh scent from his father at all and he couldn't even bring himself to be surprised. He had given up caring since caring and getting angry about it was just getting him nowhere. He had already resigned himself to finally joining the "abandoners" his father had complained about at the meeting when he had sworn things would be different. If his father wasn't here then he wouldn't even notice his absence so he might as well get out of the irritating, frigid north. If he was going to be left and ignored he could at least do it somewhere warm.

He had put on the armor he had been perfecting that morning and had begun to pack a small bag with a few supplies he could salvage from around the mostly abandoned pack lands when he heard his father's howl. He listened to it for a moment and with a sigh he left the bag behind so he could go out to the neighboring forest to meet him. He almost didn't go. He almost ignored his father the way he felt he had been ignored for most of his life, but he didn't exactly feel like having Ignis stalking him around Boreas - if he actually put in the effort to do something of that sort. At least now he could make a clean break and tell his father he was leaving even though that wasn't a courtesy he was ever afforded.

When he approached his father he glanced around and realized he was the first to arrive. He almost laughed. Somehow he was still the most dutiful child even though Infrit and Vulcan were seemingly the chosen ones in their father's eyes. At this point he couldn't even make himself be angry or disappointed. It was just sad and funny how all the tables had seemed to turn. He sat on his haunches across from Ignis, leaving a comfortable bit of space between them and just waited to see if any of the others would show.

Cináed Praetor