
Tiptoe THROUGH the Window




Advanced Fighter (80)

Beginner Hunter (0)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-08-2021, 08:01 PM

He had not been expecting something to come careening into him, but when he spotted a rabbit run past that he swore was glowing a bit, he had little time to react before something slammed into his backside. He quickly turned around in surprise to find a yearling girl much smaller than him with purple and black fur. Okay, he could dig that. It was unusual for him, honestly. He was used to the reds of his family and the blues of Kirsi's. Not only that, but she seemed to have bristles on her spine...that was also something he hadn't really seen before.

"Hey!", ears perked when she loudly greeted him, "You noticed all the weird shit too huh?? Want to help me catch that rabbit so we can dissect it and see what's going on?" He tilted his head as he listened to her idea, a slow grin appearing as he nodded. "Sure, sounds like a good time! I've never seen a rabbit like that before, should be interesting." He exclaimed as he turned his attention towards the direction where the rabbit had gone. "I'll flush it out, you get ready to try and grab it?" He suggested before moving to search for the hidden little beast.

It didn't take long for him to figure out where it had gone, especially when its weird glowing had given it away as it tried to hide among the brush. With a sneer, he opted to go crashing into the underbrush to flush it out, barking and snapping as he forced it to leave the safety of its hiding place and back the way it came.

Ifrit has horns & longer fangs. These may not always be depicted in his Art!