
Matters of the Heart


08-10-2013, 09:53 AM

Soleil's latest litter were growing like weeds, she saw them changing gradually every day. Luckily for her, the change was not nearly as drastic as with her first litter which had to be separated from her to avoid them growing ill. She was equally blessed to have not fallen ill, in fact she seemed healthier than ever. Her small litter of two was still a handful to look after.

They had their differences of opinions, Soleil wanted Guinevere and Solaine to stay at the den and they wanted to go explore. They were definitely old enough to leave the nest and enjoy the world, so it was rather selfish of her to try and keep them by her side. This time she was trying things differently, if either pup asked to leave Valhalla she would deliver a swift no. Not until they were at least a year old, she would not allow it.

Her mind fret mildly, wondering where in the big, wide world Soleon was at these days. Her darling Gael had returned to her and Azalea was around as she always had been. Gael was far closer to her than Azalea, her darling runt daughter preferring to keep a distance and always on the go. She needed to learn some discipline though and start acting her age. She was being groomed to take over the pack, and unlike Soleil her eldest daughter would not have male at her side to handle things.

It was time to leave the den for the den, Soleil cooing lightly to her newest children that it was time to wake up. She was glad to be back in her own den but she wondered if the pups noticed and if they minded not being in Erani's den. It wasn't as spacious, being a more private setting meant for her and her family only.

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