
Matters of the Heart



08-10-2013, 10:15 AM

Aside from exploring Valhalla - as she was so prone to doing now that she had control over most of her motor skills - sleep was perhaps Solaine's most favorite activity. Sleep allowed for dreams, and dreams led to even more exciting adventures than she could experience in Valhalla. Her ear twitched idly, noting her mother's gentle tones bringing her out of her dreamland and into reality. She groaned audibly, but realizing that this would be the first time her mother had accompanied her into Valhalla, she quickly stirred. Guinevere's warmth was felt somewhere near her, but she ignored her sister's presence as she sleepily yawned and gazed up at her mother. "What's happening momma?" Such innocent tones, still sleepy in nature. Rising to her full height, the tiny Adravendi vixen glanced around the den. She'd almost forgotten that they had moved recently from Erani's den to one of their own. Some part of her missed the large den they'd been born in, but this one was certainly cosy. Her father was not present, though that was unsurprising. It seemed he usually awakened early and did.. whatever it was he did for Valhalla. As she scooted closer to her mother, nearly tumbling a few times in the process, Solaine began to wonder just what they were going to do today. She had been dreaming of hunting for quite some time, though others had assured her she was far too little to participate in such events. A nice swim or even just a walk would be exciting too, almost anything would be more exciting than being in the den.
