Round 2 Yearling Fight - Ulfr vs Takeshi
Takeshi had won his round against the Valhalla boy, which had filled him with pride, but he wasn’t done yet. Next, he was paired with another male. He was smaller than him by almost half a foot and seemed to weigh less. He also lacked any mutations, which was beneficial to the boy. His own mutations offered extra defense to him, though he was still vulnerable to those with saber teeth or enhanced claws which could tear through his thick scales.
As they faced each other, the man introduced himself as Ulfr, a ruddy name that seemed to come from the back of the throat. He offered a dip of his head in greeting, hoping he didn’t seem like too much of a dick for not introducing himself, but it wasn’t as if he could help it. He assumed his stance, legs apart to steady himself before he charged forward, moving as if he were going to attack from the side but, at the last minute, he moved to attack him head on, head lowering to try and lodge his head under the other’s chest and throw him onto his back.
Takeshi vs Ulfr for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Under 1
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Mutation 1: Ram horns - Offensive
Mutation 2: Scales - Defensive
Mutation 3: Scales - Defensive
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Intermediate Hunter