
Everywhere Reminds Me Of Home


08-10-2013, 10:46 AM


For the dappled cat who was sleeping nearby, the howl went off like a siren. Silverback had been traveling the lands the night before and had hit upon a snowstorm. Usually these things - which cause mountaineers to turn back and the cliff goats to seek shelter, were nothing to her, but even a cat can't find her way in a total white out. Annoyed but tired, the leopard had curled up against a firm snow bank and let herself drift off into sleep - not so dangerous if you're used to Arctic conditions. The snow fall hadn't lasted too much longer- just long enough to deposit a couple inches here and a big drift there. The huntress had become feathered with the stuff, and with her already perfect camoflauge, no one would've suspected that that little snow bank over there, had a living, breathing creature inside it.

... until that snow bank exploded.

Hell hath no fury like a cat deprived of sleep. The snow leopard, her ears ringing and eyes blazing, was only about five feet from the lone male. Her kind had been known to leap ten times that. The distance vanished in a heartbeat and a paw armed with five wicked talons came swinging straight for the wolf's face.
