
misery loves company



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
10-09-2021, 09:47 PM
The stranger whose name he hadn't gotten yet stated that he didn't think they should be out here any longer and Romulus was inclined to agree. Keeping his gaze leveled with the spectral wolf, he nodded and nudged the larger wolf's side with his shoulder. "Start backing up slowly. We'll get to the gate and get inside." No sooner had he started backpedaling though, Roman saw the wolf mimic their movements, taking a long stride forward every time they took a small step back. But more concerning was how the wolf seemed to grow in size with each step it took. What began as a smaller misty silhouette had become a dire wolf sized wraith, it's glowing eyes never blinking nor leaving the two young wolves. When it reached an unnatural size, the ghost wolf snarled, revealing rows of icicle-like white teeth. Then, as if it had been cut from a leash, the wolf charged them.

"Fuck it! Run!" Roman shouted and turned to bolt for the gate right behind them. He didn't need to check to make sure the other wolf was with him, knowing his company wouldn't be dumb enough to try and stand against the ghost wolf. Romulus panted hard as his paws thundered across the ground, all but throwing himself through the gates as a blast of arctic air hit him in the rump. He skidded to a halt and turned to stare out the gates, seeing nothing but the quiet night and fading mist across the plains. Whatever that creature had been was long gone, nothing but a nightmarish vision the two had shared.

"Romulus Armada"