
Take Me Back to Sunnyland




Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
10-11-2021, 12:11 AM

Arcturus was curled up into the furs in the den he shared with his mother and sister, Pan curled up beside him—a ball of golden fur and a ball of scales side by side. Ever since he made it back to the pack and the fallout from his father's death had begun to settle this is where he had stayed. He didn't want to go outside, he didn't want to explore. Hunting and fighting didn't have the same luster they once had and making himself even get out of bed felt like it was impossible. He'd occasionally get up and eat just to keep his mom from worrying and whenever she was around he'd put on a brave face so she wouldn't be sad, but whenever she wasn't here this was where he stayed. Curled up with Pan with Bream keeping watch outside to alert him before his mom came back.

For a while he had cried whenever he thought about his dad or about what happened, but now he just felt... hollow. It was the only word he could think of to describe how it felt. It was like he was too sad to be sad any more or maybe he had just cried every tear he had left in him. He kept thinking about his dad fighting the bear, how helpless and useless he had been to help him, and even as he silently beat himself up about it he just kept staring at the wall of the den with his ears pulled back. His mind refused to listen to the logic of the fact that he was just a little pup. He should have been able to help his dad so that he would still be here, but he couldn't and now he was gone. He sighed and tucked his head down into the fur beside pan and just tried to make himself go back to sleep so he could stop thinking about it for a while.

"Arcturus Fatalis"