
It's prettier then the stars




5 Years
Extra large

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
10-11-2021, 02:28 AM

Keetie met his hug with just as much enthusiasm as Artisan could ever dare to wish for, and the colorful man could not help but let out a very pleased giggle as they squeezed each other. The embrace was comforting and delightful, and Art lay his head in her vibrant blue fur just taking her all in, screw the blue glowy bugs who'd gotten to her first. Her paw lifted toward the fireflies and he watched her movements, still snuggled close to his beloved sister.

"They're beautiful!" From this angle watching the lightning bugs up above, the wandering pirate could see the sky for the first time. The stars seemed to streak up above, and the full moon shone down upon them brilliantly. He sighed with contentment, feeling as if the world had given him just the best gift it could. Offhandedly he mentioned. "Weird though, if you bite them they disappear. Do you figure we should be worried?" Worried was not a state Artisan was used to - especially not in the presence of his siblings - but he figured he'd throw out there the fact that they were ethereal and see if that rang any alarm bells.

"Talk" "Listen" Think

Artisan wears multiple twine bracelets around his forelegs, each one with different colored homemade marble-like beads upon it. Each bead corresponds to a wolf who he has met and decided deserved a place on his wrist, and thus he might ask your character for a lock of fur, etc to add to his creation to remember your character by.

Unless otherwise stated, you can assume he is wearing them at all times.
Artisan's companions are two blue and yellow macaws, their names are Siri(F) and Cisco(M) and while they can be assumed to always be nearby, they're likely out of sight.