
Well ain't this peachy




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
10-11-2021, 08:22 PM
It seemed Relm would never truly fit in anywhere. And what she meant by that was that she stuck out like a sore thumb. On a normal summer night, or one of these cursed winter nights. Her pelt would always make her easy to spot and hard to get the edge on others or prey. But that's why she purchased the cloak that was draped across her back and over her armor. Still her bit of neon pink was an eye catcher from her legs, and her large tusks were definitely not hidden either, the only thing she used the cloak for was an attempt to be a little less obvious.

She had roamed for the last few seasons, she didn't care for the lifestyle her uncle had in The Armada. But she was also starting to get lonely especially with Rhaegath gone now, not that she would admit. She had possibilities to explore, but also time to do so.

What she didn't enjoy were the annoying bright blue fireflies. As she walked along side the stones, her head pulled back as she blew at a couple that floated around her face, her expression easily irritated by them. They often stuck to her cloak and she could have swore they were doing it on purpose while they were hard to swat away. Her paws moved forward and she came across the view of another staring down at some mushrooms that were glowing just the same as the floating "fireflies". "I wouldn't eat them if I were you." She was sure the woman wouldn't eat them, but she still suggested. Her paw waved around at the fireflies once again, trying to get them to back off of her face.
