



7 Years
08-10-2013, 11:43 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A painful sense of helplessness stole across Tahlia as she continued to watch Loccian grieve for her passed daughter, dark golden eyes casting themselves downward at the rain soaked ground as the sight became to difficult to witness. It was tragic, all of it, and though a part of her knew that life was not always fair or kind - hadn't she herself lost a husband and been deprived of a family all this time? - this was a heavy reminder just how unfair and malicious it could be.

Thankfully Maverick knew well enough to act. Being the one most acquainted with the distraught mother, it made sense for him to venture close first, his friendship with her bridging that gap that separated her from Tahlia. It would have felt too much like a breach for her to try and be that consoling, too false when she knew next to nothing about the dark grey female save her name and her newly appointed station. But whatever he said as he moved in to console her, whatever passed there between them, seemed to draw her back. The quietly observing she-wolf watched as with tears still in her eyes Loccian rose from her prostrate position beside the grave and moved to lean against their king, taking the support he offered in her most desperate time of need.

The sense of helplessness still remained, even more strongly than before, as she surveyed the two of them through the storm, and after a quiet moment of inaction the need to assist, to do anything but sit back like a useless log, urged her to her paws. Head still bent, the she-wolf turned in place to better look toward the pair of them, eyes searching between them - though more toward Maverick as he was the most composed. "Is there anything I could do?" she asked over the din as the rain continued to fall, her low voice consoling through its own need. Even if it was something as simple as being asked to leave, she hoped to somehow assist, anything to be rid of this useless feeling that only made the situation worse for her to bear.