
The Catch of the Day


08-11-2013, 12:16 AM
{{Ooc:: Hope you don't mind if Zanire possibly comes to the thread too. :3}}

The river that Kar now walked along was definitely a refreshing sight from the barren lands he had met Zanire in. The young brute padded within the shallows of the river. Within the water he could see plenty of fish swimming, tempting him to fish. The air was warm, and a bright sun beat down on his dark coat. What more could a wolf ask for then this perfect opportunity to fish? Kar came to a stop, looking around the area. He was sure that Zanire was lounging in the sun somewhere, or perhaps fishing herself.

The brute waded deeper in to the water, his stomach growling angrily. Kar let out a soft chuckle. 'Well it has been quite some time since I've last eaten.' He thought. Then, picking out his fish, Kar quickly shot his head down on the water and snapped his teeth shut. However, when he lifted his head out of the water there was no fish in his jaws. He had missed.

"Darn it..." He said softly. Maybe bears were better suited for this type of thing.