
i'm not gonna write you a -good title-




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-13-2021, 05:14 PM

Plague smiled as Venom agreed to his idea so readily and he leaned in to press his nose gratefully to her cheek. "I'll definitely bring it up to her then. I don't know if it will sway her at all, but it can't hurt." He had no idea how Rava would react when he asked, but he had been slowly building her trust in him for a while now so hopefully she was at least receptive to hearing him out on it. He was eager to have the family he dreamed of with Void, but he just couldn't bring himself to do something like force himself on a women to make it happen—with Rava or anyone else. Even if these children would ultimately be raised by him and Void, he didn't want any sort of animosity or hatred from whoever their mother would be. That was something he didn't want living on his conscience.

Thinking of children and the future made his thought come back around to Venom's own children, his precious nieces and nephews, and it reminded him of something he hadn't yet gotten to talk to his sister about. "So speaking of children and the future..." he said with a little chuckle. "I might have uncovered a little crush that Ike has... or had." He didn't want to spill all of his niece's secrets, but considering how the trip to The Hallows went he felt like he should probably let Venom in on it. "The boy that won the yearling bracket of the tournament, Ezra from The Hallows. She seemed to have gotten very interested in him so when I went down there recently to do some trading I took her along so she could see him again... but it looks like he might already have a girlfriend."

He gave a little sigh, thinking about his well intended trip that just turned into a disappointed niece. Of course I don't know how dedicated the boy is to this girlfriend of his, but... Ike certainly wasn't happy to find that out." He was such a softy for Ike and her siblings and if he could he'd give her anything and everything she wanted, but he knew that was something that was a bit out of his reach. He didn't know what Venom's plan was for her children was or what she had hoped for their futures to look like, but it seemed like good information for her to have.

Plague Abraxas-Destruction