
The princess and her escort




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-13-2021, 06:08 PM

Plague settled in to watch the lights as Ikigai began to play, a little smile lingering on his lips as he watched them. He was always so amazed at his niece's talents and how effortlessly she played. The fireflies glowed and danced in time with the music and made a dazzling light show. As she started to play faster so did they and steadily it turned from a slow, steady blinking and glow to a fast flash of lights. He squinted at the lights and eventually looked down at Ikigai, his smile fading and his expression growing more concerned. She seemed to just stare directly into these bright lights that he was having to squint to look at and her plucking was just exponentially getting faster as if she wasn't in control of the music any more.

"Um... Ikigai, I think maybe-" he said as he began to wrap a paw around her shoulders to try and pull her away from the instrument, but before he could one of the strings snapped and cut her paw, making his ears fall back at the sound of her cry. Whatever beauty he might have found in the moment was swept away by worry and concern, wrapping his foreleg around her and pulling her into him while she cradled her paw against her chest. Now that the music was gone the fireflies began to fade, but there was some that still lingered for a bit longer, dancing around the instrument that had made them go crazy before they eventually dispersed as well.

Once the blinding blue light faded he sighed softly and losened his protective hold around her, looking down at her with worried emerald eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked, gently taking her paw and turning it over to check it. "Come, lets get you home. I can help you fix your broken string tomorrow if you'd like." He didn't know much about instruments, but he was quite handy and good at crafting so he had a feeling he could at least be a help. He gave her a gentle smile and helped her to her feet before leading her back home, keeping her close until they got there. He already hadn't felt good about the fireflies and the ominous feeling they brought, but this solidified that in his mind.

Plague Abraxas-Destruction