
Well ain't this peachy




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3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-13-2021, 07:53 PM

Nikkal nodded her dark face once when the other woman gave her name. Relm. She committed the name to memory, again begrudgingly liking the name. Nikkal's face soon fell even more stern as Relm explained that the current events were in fact not normal and Nikkal looked away when the armor cladded woman voice that it might have meant something. The black and storm colored woman had not even walked this land for a season and she too had a feeling that something was coming. Even the air seemed different and with each passing day it seemed to fall heavier on her thick pelt, making her skin prickle and itch underneath as her instincts cried out to her. "I feel like it means something." Nikkal replied, her dual colored eyes still scanning the moonlit rocky landscape as if that something was going to appear any moment.  Then after a few breaths, she returned her gaze back to Relm and to the fireflies that seemed to flitter about closer and closer, one even drifting closer to Nikkal's own pelt and the Amanta woman curled a lip in response, using her tail to flick the blue creature off her hip.  

She suppressed the shudder that tried to dance down her spine and turned her attention back to the mushroom, taking a another step closer so that she could study the markings on their tops. "I have never seem a mushroom like this. It doesn't even have any characteristics of a hybrid species." she said out loud, not really caring if her current company was listening. She was careful not to touch or breath on the fungi just in case it released some sort of spore. "Is this fungi normally here and just started glowing? Or is it something completely new?" she asked, now more directly to Relm as her vibrant blue and green eyes returned to her, with her white and black ears perked in interest.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think