
easy come easy go



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-13-2021, 10:11 PM

Lae had been ready to brace herself for the worst after expressing her desires to join the pack. Was she too direct, perhaps? The woman hadn't really figured out how to communicate more subtly about her intentions, but she supposed that in this situation, being upfront and honest was better than just telling a fib. Not that she really learned how to do that, either; she spoke only what she needed to say, and really didn't get exposure to the finer parts of socialization. Thus, what was left was a woman who, at best, was brutally honest and clumsy in her verbalizations. Though it was a far cry from the hotheaded yearling she used to be, the one who expressed her frustration to the world by snappishly defending herself against anyone who seemed to threaten her. No, the woman had, quite obviously, matured. Instead of baring her fangs at everyone she set her eyes upon, she either offered a neutral expression, or averted her eyes altogether. Avoidance, in truth, was a better defense mechanism.

"Is that so?"

Lae could offer nothing else in that moment except for a small nod of her head. Well, she supposed that's what she came here for -- though, she didn't know the pack that resided her in particular. She was simply weary of the years spent on bare lands, watching the world go by with a sorrow monotony that endlessly cursed her thoughts.

"Come with me, Laeta. Let me show you around. My mother would think me rude if I kept a guest at the threshold," The male wolf had said, as if prompting her to enter the foreign territory. The woman hesitated a second despite the obvious warm invitation. She learned quickly never to step even an inch into pack territory -- though nothing personally happened to her, she heard rumors of loners that unknowingly trespassed into some of the less "forgiving" packs, and what had become of them if they didn't leave straightaway. alas, those were mere rumors. Loners didn't really have much to do in their time without a pack and duties to give them structure. Or so was her opinion, and partially the reason why she chose to consider a pack allegiance; the thought of having a purpose and a job appealed to her even more than endlessly wandering the lands of Boreas. Though having nonexistent experience in what a pack expected of its members, she supposed it was never too late to learn. She had much to learn in that regard, having had her social development stunted quite severely.  Soon enough, she braved the first few steps into the territory, the scent of the pack seemingly surrounding her in a thick veil.  There was no going back now. But why would she? This man showed her..kindness. Bona fide kindness. Something she had nothing of.

Scanning the new land with widening eyes, they soon came across what appeared to be the "entrance" to the pack. She tilted her head and took in the sights for a few seconds, in silent awe. She'd never seen anything quite like it -- the worn walls towered above them like stone guardians, offering what felt to her to be a wave of wamrth and light. She didn't even realize that this place, through some marvelous feat of fate, had what she desperately needed. Her sudden, puppy-like trance was gently interrupted by the Aegis as he asked, "Are you familiar with the Hallows? Did you find us by chance, or did you come looking for us? We're a fairly new pack, just over a year old. I wouldn't blame you if you hadn't."

Laeta glanced over to him, tearing herself away from her old habits, the ones where she got trapped within the overwhelming surge of new scents, sights, and textures so much so that she almost forgot to reply. The Hallows. So that's what they were called. What an interesting name. "I can't say I have," She said, her tone dull, suppressed compared to her expressive gaze. "I wandered towards this place in search of some warmth. Boreas got too frigid for my taste." The winters, especially, were horrendously cruel. There were times in the northern regions that she frequented that she thought she wouldn't survive the nights, not with her uneven and mostly short coat. She glanced back towards the regal gate, almost losing herself within her surroundings. Hesitating for a moment, seeing as she never was told it was acceptable to express herself, she looked back at the leader and added softly, "And..I guess, I was tired of having no purpose. No place to call a home." Regardless of how long she was permitted to stay here, she'd take it. The woman's years, though not that short but not that long, had been anything but kind. The positive conversation she was having was, unbeknownst to the Aegis, the first one she'd had the pleasure of experiencing. Though trivial, it was something she wouldn't be quick to forget. Perhaps it was the start of a new life for her, one that allowed her to rest and regrow.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.