
Bright Eyes, Chapped Lips



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
10-14-2021, 12:41 PM

The young girl's enthusiasm was catching, and before he knew it a permanent grin had curled its way onto Perseus' face. He did his level best to follow the tumble of words the poured out once she got going, and didn't do a half-bad job if he did say so himself. Traveling together with her family sounded nice, and he and his siblings had done much the same at about her age. However, he was particularly interested in that bit about a long-legged maned wolf with a knack for getting herself into interesting situations. Percy quickly sifted through his memories for the name, dusting away a bit of leftover frost, before casually tossing out, "Unless I'm mistaken, the very same wolf and I nearly became wolfscicles in a monstrous storm last winter. How is Jynn these days?" Maybe he'd have to track her down if she was still in the area.

Percy saw the girl catch herself in something, but let it slide as she introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you Modesty! I'm Perseus, but Percy's fine. I'm not sure about any caves around here, but it just so happens that I also have been known to glow from time to time, so if we do find any we should be all set."

He paused in his steps, letting his eyes drift up as he thought back. "Hm. Well, when I first started heading north I was skirting the mountains before I turned off. I'd bet it's all highlands and rockfields north and west as far as I can figure, but I mean to go find out. Perhaps we can just follow the lake's creekfeed that way, see if the mountains have washed down some treasures to be found." He cast his eyes sideways, hoping to catch the girl's reaction to the prospect of a treasure hunt. He certainly knew what his would have been at that age. And hey, who knows! Weird stuff washes up on banks all the time, maybe they'd get lucky.

"Talk" "Listen" Think

Perseus' siblings may enter into any of his threads, regardless of tagging!
Note: Perseus also has a glowing mutation visible in low lighting.