Work Placement Program
10-14-2021, 12:06 PM
Artorias painted him a picture of what Fenmyre was and what they dealt with and Ezra's frown deepened. It was a far cry from the refuge and place of healing that The Hallows claimed to be and he wondered if it was really a pack that they wanted to be associating with even if they were the only other Auster based pack. He didn't really know what to think about the salves thing, but as he thought more about it he supposed he couldn't really judge on the drugs and alcohol. They had wine in the castle that they all partook in and Syanna dabbled in various intoxicating plants so that much at least was easier to wrap his mind around. Either way, it wasn't really his place to question Artorias' decisions there and maybe there was more to it that he wasn't being told. He owed Art everything and if this was some way he could repay him for training him and helping him figure his life out then he figured he'd better do it whether he agreed completely or not.
He nodded with understanding as Artorias explained how Chimera might offer him things and how he was a hard wolf to read. At least he knew to look out for it instead of going in blind. And once Artorias explained their lack of warriors he could better understand why his assignment there was more substantial than just a few visits to help train. He glanced out toward the island he'd be living on and guarding until the Auster winter and he supposed he should at least be grateful that the pack was on an island. At least that would be pretty easy to guard. Knowing what he knew now he completely understood what Art meant when he said that Syanna shouldn't be there and he didn't really want her there either. It just meant he was going to have a long and lonely season and a half without her. "I understand." He wasn't happy about it, but he understood.
He sighed and shrugged as he looked back at Artorias with a grin. "I guess we better be getting back so I can get ready to go, huh? Gotta get in every minute with Syanna that I can. Guess I better let my dad know too unless you told him already." He'd need a lot of mating to hold him over for an entire season—not that he thought Syanna would be opposed to spending the next couple days in bed. He tried to tell himself that The Hallows and Fenmyre weren't all that far apart and if he really, really wanted to he could probably make a quick day trip home, but he also didn't know how busy he was going to be on the warrior-less island.