
easy come easy go


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
10-14-2021, 04:43 PM

To Laeta's credit, she appeared to be taking everything in stride. Art was impressed by the keenness in her eyes, an eagerness to absorb information and explore. Perhaps she was an adventurer too, like he was? Had she also traipsed through foreign lands just for the hell of it? She didn't say much, but what she did say was impactful and earnest. Artorias smiled again and replied, "You're welcome, Laeta. What sort of leader would I be if I let you go wandering these halls alone?" Artorias led the way up the stairs in the foyer to the second level, glancing back over his shoulder to Laeta when she asked where her room would be. Artorias flashed her another smile and gestured with his muzzle up the stairs. "Let me show you. You're probably ready for a nap after traveling all the way from Boreas!"

Heading up the stairs, Artorias gestured around the second floor landing to the two corridors that ran west and east. "These corridors are for the bedrooms and quarters of the Carpathius and Adravendi families," he explained. "The Carpathius Wing to the west is where my family resides. The alpha's quarters are also in that wing at the end of the hall. The Adravendi Wing houses the—you guessed it—Adravendi family. Up above on the third floor is where we have all the other bedrooms." Artorias took another flight of stairs up to the third floor, then proceeded to lead Laeta down the corridor for the west wing. "The Hallows still has plenty of space, so many of these rooms are vacant. All the rooms have fireplaces for the winters and balconies. The west wing rooms look out over the western sea and the east wing rooms get a view of the plains and the forests."

Artorias led the way down the long corridor with doors lining the right side of the hall. After passing a few doors, Artorias opened one to a vacant bedroom. A plush king-sized bed occupied most of the space, but the room still felt warm and airy thanks to the tall windows on the far wall that let out to the balcony and revealed the beautiful seascape beyond. "This room is unoccupied, if it'll suit you. Otherwise, I can show you some on the east wing, if you prefer looking at the forests rather than the sea." He stepped back from the door to permit Laeta entry to get a feel for the space and decide if she liked it enough to call it her own.

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.