
easy come easy go



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-14-2021, 05:49 PM

Laeta hadn’t really considered the story behind why she came to Auster. After all, the entirety of Boreas wasn’t just a massive snow globe, really — it had its milder regions away from the bitter cold she had made her “home”. However, maybe it was just that; she wanted adventure. The life of a loner wasn’t very exhilarating, in her experience. Maybe for some, the prospect of freely exploring the lands without the lifetime commitment and duties of a pack suited them. At one point, Lae believed herself to be the same, but it didn’t take long to realize how much the loner life seemed, well..overhyped? If that was the right word. Plus, it didn’t do her much good to be alone. Bad experiences in her past threatened to drown her where she stood, alone and with nobody to turn to. She’d had enough, and as such, perhaps that was her true motive for traipsing into Auster’s tropical abode. Though, her coming across a kind pack certainly wasn’t what she expected. It was a welcome surprise, nonetheless.

”You're welcome, Laeta. What sort of leader would I be if I let you go wandering these halls alone?" Artorias replied, in response to her thanks. She didn’t think he’d just leave her be, anyways — he seemed far too polite to do that. Besides, it gave her a bit less anxiety to know where certain places were, like the kitchen, infirmary, and of course, her bedroom.

When the Aegis mentioned how she’d likely need a nap after traveling across the whole of Boreas, Lae couldn’t help but nod softly in agreement. Her legs felt sore and tight, an aching sensation slowly spreading to her shoulders and hips. He followed him up the steps, trotting at a brisk pace alongside the younger man. Though she appeared weak and tired, she hid it well, and had a ridiculous amount of stamina and endurance. It was the reason why traveling across Boreas didn’t take all that long — with nothing else to do, she easily crossed the continent in less than a few weeks. As they approached each corridor with bedrooms belonging to the alpha, the Carpathius wing, and the Adravendi families, she took mental notes to ensure she wouldn’t accidently run into these halls in search of her own room. Speaking of which, they ascended yet another flight of stairs, the woman having to mentally encourage herself to push to the last step as her legs threatened to buckle beneath her.

At last, they reached the hall where the rest of the pack members lived. As Artorias spoke about the amenities in each room – they even had fireplaces for the winter? No more achy bones then! — and the way each wing faced out the tall windows, they reached the room the leader had guided her to.

As the door widened to reveal the contents of the room, the monochromatic femme had to take in her new abode with a resurging glint in her eyes. It was..perfect. The king-sized bed looked eons more comfortable than those sad holes in the ground where she’d laid for all her life. The tall window in her room allowed a fresh, peaceful breeze to flow in, keeping the air inside it filtered nicely. Perfect. Absolutely perfect. She knew she could recover here. Move on from her past. Recuperate.As the Aegis spoke about how this room faced the sea, and that he could accomodate her in a forest-facing room, she padded into it anyways as he spoke, expression still flat, but mentally gawking in sheer relief at the beauty and comfort this room provided.

This was it. Her home.


The word repeated in her head like a comforting mantra, as she looked back at the male she’d left in the doorway.

"This is perfect. " Her eyes said it all, bright and filled with relief. She could rest. She could belong. Everything would be alright, she hoped.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.