
Only the Beginning



08-11-2013, 09:09 AM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

(ooc: using liquid time, apologies in advance for any continuity errors.)

Orica had left her mother happily with her new batch of siblings. Of course she hadn't wanted to leave, but her mother needed her rest and her father had finally come to join in. They were want their time together. She had done her part with that birth and now she had to make sure that Mercianne, who had been so kind in helping Ocena, received some help herself. - Should she need it of course. Orica was aware that different she-wolves liked to do things differently. Where one wouldn't feel comfortable until she had the help of at least one friend or midwife, another wanted to be left in peace until all was over. Where one fae couldn't imagine going through a birthing without her mate there beside her, another would claw at his face if he dared to come in. Orica didn't want to get in anybody's way. She just wanted to make sure that if Mercianne needed help, she would have it.

The little medic, with her leather sack now closer to 3/4 full with herbs, followed the scent trail of the expecting mother and found the den easily enough. It wasn't as big as Ocena's but it only proved her point that different faes did things different. Aunty Crusade had given birth in an alcove of a giant cave, whilst her mother and most wolves preferred a cozy little den underground.

To her surprise though, when she reached the den, there was neither hide nor hair of Awaken. Truly the male wasn't going to miss the birth of his own children? Poor Mercianne... Mercianne! Orica could smell wolfs milk and afterbirth seems things were already moving. The storks were staying busy today. Orica made her way into the den, had Merci still been calm and waiting Orica might've spoken and asked permission etc etc. But with the babies already coming and the white mother already straining, Orica merely slipped back into the role of a quiet, gentle midwife that she seemed to have adopted so naturally. She was meant to a healer this one. Her head was most confident and focused and capable when it came to helping others.

Giving a sweet warbling whine of encouragement for Mercianne, Orica tended to the pups. She made sure that the mother could focus solely on the great task set before her. Orica would make sure that the babies were licked dry and then nestled safely to their mother's side.

If at any point Mercianne showed any protectiveness or hostility, of course, the little healer would stop immediately and back off. She'd heard that some wolf mothers were like that. She just wanted to help though, and perhaps it was a good thing. Already three good sized babies had been born and it didn't look like the process was anywhere near over. "You're doing great, Merci," murmured Orica, her blue eyes shining, rather overwhelmed with all the miracles she was being allowed to see today. "You already have three beautiful boys!"
