
I Love To Go Swimming With Bowlegged Women, And Swim Between Their Legs



2 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! VengeanceCritical Fail!Critical Hit!1K
10-14-2021, 07:30 PM

Fireflies? Skadi trotted over to the nearest light and squinted at it, her expression a thoughtful frown as she tried to pick out features. There did appear to be something solid in the middle but she wasn't willing to label the shape inside. Maybe her eyes weren't as sharp as the stranger's or maybe the stranger was making an assumption. It was hard to say without a closer look and really, Skadi wasn't sure of the wisdom in that. "They're supposed to go away in the winter, but it doesn't feel like a season where things are just gonna go like they're supposed to." Things had been weird lately, there was no denying that.

Another girl came onto the scene and Skadi regarded her curiously. She'd wondered if others could see the lights too? Implying that she saw things no one else did? Interesting, so there were other wolves out there like her and her aunt. She had lots of questions for the newest girl. Presumably she was learning about her ability from someone else but what exactly did that entail if it didn't include the will of the gods and the spinning of the fates?

"The name's Skadi." So Gossamer and Faith. Something Gossamer said finally registered and Skadi did a double take as she noticed Faith's glowing. Somewhere in the mix of introductions and fireflies she'd missed that but how? She didn't know what to do with that. And now she'd made it obvious she'd looked. Skadi frowned. She had no idea how to get back from that faux pas. Welp. "R-Relatives?" she stuttered in confusion.
